Who we are

Who are we? We are a church which is non denominational, and we are passionate about helping people find God for themselves. Each one of us have our own story, but we have found God in His Word, and through prayer. Some of us came out of addiction, some from mental illnesses, some from having our lives completely on the wrong track, and some of us had pretty normal lives, but we have all found God to be real, and our journey with Him is bringing each of us great freedom.

If you are curious about the Bible, or if you have a hunger to know God, we will love you and can help answer your questions no matter who you are, what gender, what race, or what occupation.

We are Church of the Crosses, and we have been here in Cruces for 50 years serving this community.

It’s time to give God a try.

Engage with His Word, the Holy Bible


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